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Fish Oil Products

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11 Tips for Healthy Hair

Beauty Collagen Products

Do Gummy Vitamins Actually Work?

Gummies Products

Vitamin Products

Slim Right Products

24 High Protein Snacks Suggestions

  1. Trail Mix: Mix dried fruit and nuts. A handful is a reasonable serving.
  2. Mixed nuts: A small handful of mix raw nuts.
  3. Turkey Roll-ups: Four Turkey breast slices, each with a teaspoon of cream cheese. Place a pickle or strip of cucumber and a tomato slice on the turkey and roll them into wraps.
  4. Deli Roll-ups: Two slices of deli Turkey rolled up with a slice of cheese and tomato.
  5. Veggies and Yogurt Dip: Yogurt combined with herbs and flavorings such as dill, lemon juice. Preferably use Greek yogurt due to the best protein content (almost twice the amount of protein as regular yogurt).
  6. Greek Yogurt Parfait: one cup of Greek yogurt combined with a tablespoon of granola and mixed berries in layers.
  7. Boiled egg: a classic but filling snack.
  8. Tuna – tinned or fresh – think Sashimi!
  9. Cheese slices: two or three slices – savor each bite!
  10. Artichoke: boiled, served with a splash of olive oil.
  11. Chickpeas: A half tub of Chickpeas, roasted with some basic seasonings and a splash of olive oil.
  12. Hummus and raw veggies: 1/3 cup serving of hummus and some fresh carrots and celery.
  13. Cottage Cheese: Half cup. Either plain or combined with nuts and fruits.
  14. Beef sticks: Flame-grilled beef and salt only and maybe seasoning for extra flavor
  15. Canned salmon: Two tablespoons. Eat on its own or add some extra flavor. Taste great when paired with chopped veggies.
  16. Chia Seed Pudding: Soak 1/4 cup chia seeds in almond milk for an hour, until it achieves a pudding-like consistency. You can add flavorings like vanilla and cocoa when you mix the seeds and milk.
  17. Pumpkin Seeds:  Two tablespoons. They can be eaten raw, or you can try dry roasting them with some spices.
  18. Protein shake – try our Nature’s Way Instant Natural Protein.
  19. Edamame: One cup boiled. Add spices and seasonings.
  20. Avocado and chicken salad: Simply combine cooked chicken breast and avocado! 
  21. Lentil salad: One cup. Combine cooked lentils with chopped veggies, spices, and a dressing of your choice. Top up with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.
  22. Oatmeal: 1/4 cup of rolled oats, cooked in hot water for a nourishing warming serve of porridge.
  23. Cheesy Popcorn: Combine three cups of popcorn with two tablespoons of parmesan cheese, or nutritional yeast.
  24. Egg muffins: Made by mixing eggs with veggies and seasonings, pouring the mixture into a muffin tin, and then baking the muffin. Examples of veggies that provide a great combo – Broccoli, onions, and bell peppers. 

11 Tips for Healthy Hair

Overall health is important to all of us. We want to feel great, but we also want the side-effect of looking great, too. Whether it’s our skin, our nails, or our hair, our relative health makes itself visible through how we look. And no matter how much time or money we spend at the salon or on the best hair products, our hair can let us down, looking tired, frazzled, and unhealthy. So, how to get healthy hair that looks and feels as great as the rest of our body? Here are a few ideas:

Tip #1

Start with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is great as a pre-shampoo rinse because it has been shown to be a clarifier, breaking up and rinsing away product buildup on the scalp. That buildup can block up follicles, which can lead to dandruff and even hair loss. Rinse with apple cider vinegar before shampooing is a natural way to help clean your hair.

Tip #2

Shampoo Less Often

The shampoo is also great for cleaning off the natural oils in your hair that help keeps it healthy-looking. Try only shampooing every other day to give your hair some downtime. And try to pick a shampoo without sulfates, which really drys out the hair.

Tip #3

Shampoo the Roots, Condition the Ends

Focus your shampoo attention around the roots of the hair to avoid creating dried-out, flyaway hair, while still cleaning your hair. And once you’ve rinsed, focus your conditioner on the ends of the hair. Conditioner introduces some conditioning agents that aren’t as needed next to the scalp but helps make the ends of the hair shaft shiny and healthy-looking.

Tip #4

T-Shirt, not Towel

Old t-shirts make a great alternative to traditional towels.  This is because your deep, absorbent cotton towels may feel great next to the skin, but they can be rough on your hair. Rubbing with a towel can damage the cuticle. T-shirt material will still help dry your hair but will be much more gentle.

Tip #5

Cool the Heat

Heat styling, like blow-drying and straightening, can really damage the healthy look of your hair.  Heat can change the color pigments in your hair, damage the keratin protein that gives your hair its elasticity, crack and damage the hair, and if you use heat styling products on wet hair, it can dry the hair from the inside out which causes the moisture to burst through the shaft as steam. So limit the heat styling, and when you do, use a protective serum on your hair to limit the damage.

Tip #6

Loose, Gentle Ties

Another way to reduce damage to the hair is to avoid tight hair ties. Skip anything that pulls tightly on your strands, and instead go for soft, loose ties, like a cloth-covered scrunchie. Tight elastic ties can pull and break your hair.

Tip # 7

Silk Pillowcase

There are those of us who have a really good thing going: we wash our hair the night before and let it air dry overnight, avoiding head damage. But one suggestion to make it extra gentle on your hair is to use a silk or satin pillowcase. These smooth materials are kinder to your hair when you toss and turn at night.

Tip #8

No Tight Braids

Going to bed with loose hair can cause knots and tangles that need serious brushing the next morning, so trying your hair into a side braid can help. But don’t make the braid too tight. When it is stretched or tugged, instead of shifting it’ll break. But if you do a loose braid you’ll avoid the tangles and the breakage, helping keep your hair healthy.

Tip #9

Nourish from the Inside Out

It may seem like a no-brainer, but sometimes we need to be reminded that our hair is not primarily nourished by exterior products but from the inside out. We need to eat a nutritious, healthy, balanced diet to support healthy hair. With busy lifestyles, this may be much easier said than done. For those of us who may find it hard to ensure we’re eating a balanced diet, there are daily vitamin supplements, like Nature’s Way Hair Skin Nails Vita Gummies for Adults to top up your intake. Daily vitamins not only help your hair stay healthy, they help the rest of your body, too.

Tip #10

Brush Well

There is a right way to brush. Starting at the roots can just tighten any existing tangles, so start at the tips of the hair, and work your way up. Use a brush with flexible bristles and gently work out any knots. And try not to brush when your hair is wet to limit breakage.

Tip #11

Protect Before Swimming

Pool chlorine is very damaging to the hair. Protect your locks by conditioning before you swim, and then make sure you use a swimmer’s shampoo and conditioner to get the chemicals out of your hair and replace the moisture lost.

Do Gummy Vitamins Actually Work?

There’s been an exciting makeover happening in the adult vitamin section of your pharmacy and you’ve probably noticed it. The shelves used to be filled with dry bottles of pills of all sorts and sizes, but recently those vitamin tablets have morphed into something a little more fun: gummies.

Gummy vitamins are increasingly popular and for good reason. They work, and they taste amazing. It’s not only children who love gummy vitamins, either. Their winning taste and appealing texture have made gummy vitamins popular with adults, too. But despite how good they seem, do gummy vitamins actually work?

In short, yes. Gummy vitamins can work just as well as the traditional vitamin. Just like all supplements, when researched and taken carefully, gummy vitamins can actually offer some benefits that you don’t get with the tablet version.

Vitamin Content

The most important consideration is whether or not the gummy vitamin actually gives you the same nutritional content as more traditional vitamins. And actually, the answer is the same for both. Whether the vitamin is in pill or gummy form, you need to be sure you are checking the dosage. This is also true for multivitamins, to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients you are looking for in your multivitamin and in the right balance.

When picking your gummy vitamin out, you should be reading the label and checking quantities. Be sure to reference the daily recommended intakes for each of the vitamins, minerals, and trace elements that should be present in a balanced, healthy diet. Think about what vitamins and minerals you already regularly get enough of and what you need to get some more of and choose your gummy vitamin accordingly. Although gummy vitamins are delicious, always follow the directions to use them and don’t overdo it by taking too many!

Taste and Texture

One of the biggest differences gummy vitamins have over traditional vitamin tablets is the taste and texture of gummies. They aren’t tart or gritty, and so we can enjoy them while getting our daily vitamin boost. These soft gummies also mean they’re easy to swallow and you probably won’t need any water to get them down if you don’t like the texture of traditional chewable tablets.

Chewing has more benefits for gummy vitamins, too. Chewing actually helps our bodies absorb the vitamins faster because the teeth and saliva start working away at them right away.

The flavor of gummies is another big difference over traditional pill vitamins. Gummies come with a yummy, fruity flavor that makes it easy for those with a sweet tooth to enjoy. That means you may remember to take them more regularly!

Vitamins Can Be Fun

Making something fun automatically makes it more enjoyable. Taking vitamins is no different. Lots of adult gummy vitamins come in cool shapes and colors that can make any grown-up feel a little like a kid again. Of course, your adult gummy vitamins are not for kids, so you need to ensure that they are kept out of children’s reach, and in a child-proof bottle, to prevent children from snacking on them.

Additionally, gummies can stick in the teeth, so it’s important that teeth are cleaned after chewing on a gummy vitamin. Even with sugar-free gummy vitamins, there can still be some residue. If taking the gummy vitamins in the evening, be sure to do it before your final tooth brushing of the day. In addition, if you need to watch out your sugar intake, take into consideration the sugar in the gummies.

Yes, They Work

Gummy vitamins are convenient, and there are some considerations that are different from traditional vitamin pills, but with the same careful attention to quality, gummy vitamins can work well to give you or your kids a fun, healthy boost of nutrients. As with all dietary supplements they can only be of benefit when the dietary intake is inadequate. Be sure to do your research and check with your healthcare provider before starting to take vitamins so you can be sure that you’re getting exactly what you need.

Adult Vita Gummies Hair Skin Nails 60s

Supports hair, skin, nail health& collagen formation for adults and teens

Adult Vita Gummies Hair Skin Nails has been formulated to help maintain healthy hair, strengthen nails, and help support collagen formation for healthy skin.
Adult Vita Gummies Hair Skin Nails includes the following vitamins & minerals:
Vitamin C & E: to help reduce free radicals formed in the body and support skin & hair health
Biotin: to help strengthen soft brittle nails
Zinc: to help maintain healthy skin

Adults and teens: Take 2 pastilles (soft gummies) per day. Or as advised by your health professional.

Vitamins and minerals can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.

Store below 25°C.

Each pastille (soft gummie) contains:
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 12.5 mg
Biotin (Vitamin H) 1.25 mg
dl-alpha-Tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E 7.5IU) 7.5 mg
Zinc (as Zinc sulfate heptahydrate) 2.5mg

Adult Vita Gummies Vitamin C 120s

Nature’s Way Adult Vita Gummies Vitamin C provides a power-packed boost of Vitamin C

Nature’s Way Adult Vita Gummies Vitamin C provides a powder packed boost of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a key antioxidant and plays a valuable role in reducing free radicals in the body, as well as helping support and maintain a healthy immune system.
As vitamin C is not produced by the body, boosting daily intake can be beneficial for general health and wellbeing.
Nature’s Way Adult Vita Gummies Vitamin C has a delicious orange taste and the goodness of 65mg of vitamin C per gummy.

Adults: Take 2-3 pastilles (soft gummie) per day. Or as advised by your health professional.

Vitamins can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.

Store below 25°C.

Dosage form: Pastille

Quantity: 120 pastilles

Active ingredient per pastille:
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 65 mg

Contains gluten, sulfites, and glucose.

Adult Vita Gummies Women’s Multivitamin 100s

Nature’s Way Adult Vita Gummies Women’s Multivitamin has been formulated to help support the nutritional needs of busy, active women.

Nature’s Way Adult Vita Gummies Women’s Multivitamin has been formulated to help support the nutritional needs of busy, active women.

Enriched with key vitamins and minerals, these Vita Gummies will help support:
* Energy Production.
* Heart and nervous system health.
* Healthy immune system function.
* Strong bones and muscles.
* Collagen formation, nail strength, skin and hair health.

Adults: Take 1-2 pastilles (soft gummie) per day. Or as advised by your health professional.

Vitamins and minerals can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.

Store below 25°C.

Each Pastille (soft gummie) contains:
Nicotinamide 8mg
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 1.34mg Equiv. to Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 1.1mg
Biotin (Vitamin H) 25 micrograms
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) 1.25 micrograms
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 40mg
Colecalciferol (Vitamin D3 100IU) 2.5 micrograms
dl-alpha-tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E 8.94IU) 8.94mg
Iodine (as Potassium Iodide) 50 micrograms
Zinc (as Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate) 1.5mg
Chromium (as Chromic Chloride Hexahydrate) 7.5 micrograms
Iron (as Ferrous Fumarate) 500 micrograms
Calcium (as Calcium Phospahte) 7.5mg
Phosphorus (as Monobasic Potassium Phosphate & Calcium phosphate) 10.56mg

Adult Vita Gummies Multivitamin 120S

Key vitamins & minerals to support general health and wellbeing.

Nature’s Way Adult Vita Gummies Multivitamin are formulated with 13 vitamins and minerals to help support: immune system health, energy production, heart health, nervous system function, healthy teeth and strong bones and muscles. This product also supports skin and hair health, nail growth and collagen formation. Best of all the great tasting strawberry flavoured gummies are so easy to take – no water and no swallowing tablets.

Adults: Take 2-3 pastilles (soft gummie) per day. Or as advised by your health professional.

Vitamins and minerals can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.

Store below 25°C.

Eash Pastille (soft gummie) contains:
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 20mg, Nicotinamide 6mg, dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (Vitamin E 3.5IU) 3.5mg, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 608 micrograms, Equiv. to Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 500 micrograms, Biotin (Vitamin H) 8.7 micrograms, Colecalciferol (Vitamin D3 100IU) 2.5 micrograms, Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) 0.75 microgram, Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Nitrate 350 micrograms, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 125 micrograms, Calcium (as Calcium Phosphate) 5mg, Iodine (as Potassium Iodide) 22.5 micrograms, Magnesium (as Dibasic Magnesium Phosphate Trihydrate) 5mg, Zinc (as Zinc Oxide) 1mg.

Nature’s Way Vitamin C 500mg 300s

Nature’s Way Vitamin C 500mg helps decrease the severity of common colds and flu symptoms and supports the immune system to help fight illness.

Nature’s Way Vitamin C 500mg helps reduce the occurrence of common colds, and decreases the duration of common colds. It helps decrease the severity of symptoms of common colds and flu, by helping support the immune system function.

Nature’s Way Vitamin C 500mg helps increase the body’s absorption of iron.

Nature’s Way Vitamin C 500mg is an antioxidant which helps reduces free radicals formed in the body.

Nature’s Way Chewable Vitamin C has been formulated to have great taste that is acceptable to a wide range of palates. The orange flavour is derived from orange oil.

Children 4-12 years: Chew 1 tablet daily. For Colds at onset of symptoms: Chew 1 tablet twice daily.
Adults and Children over 12 years: Chew 1-2 tablets daily. For Colds at onset of symptoms: Chew 2 tablets twice daily.
Or as recommended by your health professional. Not to be used in children under 4 years of age.

Vitamin supplements can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.

Active ingredients per chewable tablet:
Ascorbic acid 180 mg
Sodium ascorbate (vitamin C) 360 mg
Total vitamin C 500 mg

Contains sodium (42mg per tablet), lactose, milk products, sugars, sucralose and sulfites.

Nature’s Way Mega B 200s

A high potency formulation with all the essential B Vitamins to support energy levels and stress relief.

Nature’s Way Mega B Executive Stress is a high potency Vitamin B Complex formulation for times of low energy, everyday stress and mental fatigue.

Energy and Stress
B Vitamins are needed to help support energy production and to relieve symptoms of stress and mental fatigue. A busy lifestyle, stress, lack of sleep, and alcohol consumption can deplete B Vitamin levels in the body and make you feel tired and run down. This is where Nature’s Way Mega B can help!

Healthy Skin and Hair
B Vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of cells which help support skin and hair health.

Adults: Take 1 tablet daily with food or as advised by your health professional.

Vitamin and mineral supplements can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.

Thiamine nitrate 50mg equiv. Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 40.5mg, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 10mg, Nicotinamide (Vitamin B3) 100mg, Calcium pantothenate 50mg equiv. Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) 45.8mg, Pyridoxine hydrochloride 25mg equiv. Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 20.5mg, Biotin (Vitamin B7) 20micrograms, Inositol 25mg, Folic acid (Vitamin B9) 150micrograms, Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) 50micrograms, Mecobalamin (co-methylcobalamin – Active Vitamin B12) 100micrograms, Choline bitartrate 25mg.

Nature’s Way Mega B 200s

Nature’s Way Adult Vita Gummies Vitamin D3 provides a daily dose of 1000IU of Vitamin D3 to support calcium levels in the body, help maintain bone & muscle strength, and general health & wellbeing

Nature’s Way Adult Vita Gummies Vitamin D3 provides a daily dose of 1000IU of Vitamin D3 to support cacium levels in the body, help maintain bone & muscle strength and general health & wellbeing. Low levels of vitamin D3 can occur from lack of exposure to the sun, darker skin or inadequate dietary intake.

Vitamin D3 is important as it supports:
• Muscle & bone strength
• Dietary Calcium absorption
• Healthy strong teeth
• Healthy immune system function

Adults: Take 1 pastille (soft gummie) per day. Do not exceed daily dose unless advised by your health professional.

Vitamins and minerals can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.

Store below 25°C.

Dosage form: Pastille

Quantity: 120 pastilles

Active ingredient per pastille:
Colecalciferol (vitamin D3) 25 micrograms (1000 IU)

Contains gluten, sulfites, and sugars.

Kids Smart Chewables Vitamin C + Zinc + D3 Chewables 75s

Kids Smart Vitamin C + Zinc + D3 for immune support, health & wellbeing, growth & development

Kids Smart Vitamin C + Zinc + D3 supports your child’s immune system function to fight illness and maintain general health and wellbeing. Specially formulated with 3 key nutrients to support children’s immune system, eyes, bones, skin and general wellbeing.
Vitamin C – a powerful antioxidant that supports immune function and absoprtion of dietary iron.
Zinc – an essential mineral supporting healthy eye function, vision, eyesight and healthy immune system.
Vitamin D – the healthy bone building support nutrient that also maintains immune function.

Directions for parents:
Children 2-8 years: Chew 1 chewable tablet a day (do not swallow whole). Children 9+ years: Chew 2 chewable tablets a day (do not swallow whole).

Vitamin and mineral supplements can only be of assistance if dietary vitamin intake is inadequate.

Each chewable tablet contains:
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) 90mg
Sodium ascorbate 179.97 mg equiv. to ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) 160mg
inc (as Zinc amino acid chelate) 3mg
Colecalciferol 2.5 micrograms equiv to Vitamin D3 100IU